CMS/SKF Fundraiser for High Education in Lebanon
What your donations will be used for

The money raised through this fundraiser will be used to set up a computing centre dedicated to academic research in Lebanon.

Disciplines such as High Energy Physics, Genome Analysis, Computational Biology, Social Sciences, Oil and Gas Exploration and Financial Forecasting, will benefit from the computing power brought to them by the project.

This facility will also be open to other academic disciplines.

This project is put in motion jointly with Fondation Partager le Savoir (FPLS) (English name: Sharing Knowledge Foundation (SKF)) -

The funding target is 50kCHF, of which:
1.   maximum of 5000CHF will be allocated for shipping the CERN donated hardware to Lebanon
2. 40% will be dedicated to purchasing additional hardware needed for the setup of the HPC centre in Beirut
3. 50% to cover the travel and local expenses for visits to CERN by Lebanese computing experts to be trained by CMS.


Young Lebanese scientists at CERN

Help us set up the first Lebanese High-Performance Computing facility for scientific research

Lebanon joined the CERN family in 2016 through the signature of an International Cooperation Agreement and the affiliation of four of its top universities to CMS.

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world's largest and most respected centres for scientific research.

The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a general-purpose detector at the CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The CMS experiment is one of the largest international scientific collaborations in history, involving 5000 particle physicists, engineers, technicians, students and support staff from 200 institutes in 50 countries (September 2019).

Today the country is dealing with an unprecedented economic crisis and food shortages all while handling the Syrian refugee crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the aftermath of the Beirut port explosion on 4 August 2020.

In these times of crisis, even the most resilient higher-education institutions in Lebanon, the country’s main source of strength and hope, are struggling to survive and need support.

Your donations are needed now.

Everyone can contribute. Every amount counts.

To find out more and why it matters that you should join please click here. You can also contact the project team at:

ساعدنا على إقامة أوّل مركز حوسبة عالية الأداء في لبنان

إنضمّ لبنان إلى المنظّمة الأوروبيّة للأبحاث النوويّة "سرن" في العام ٢٠١٦ عبر توقيعِه اتّفاقيّةَ التّعاونِ الدّولي والتحاقِ أربعةٍ من أهمِّ جامعاتِه بأنشطةِ CMS (واحد من أهم أربع تجارب تجرى في سرن).

إنجازٌ تعيقه حاليًّا أزماتٌ عديدة يُعاني منها لبنان، أبرزُها الأزمة الإقتصاديّة، والنّقص في المواد الغذائيّة، وأزمةُ اللّاجئين، وجائحةُ فيروس كورونا، في أعقابِ الإنفجار الّذي وقعَ في مرفأ بيروت في الرّابع من آب من عام ٢٠٢٠. 

في ظلّ هذه الأوضاع، حتّى مؤسّساتُ التّعليم العالي الأكثر تكيُّفًا واستطاعةً في لبنان تكافح من أجلِ البقاء، وتحتاج إلى المساعدة. تبرّعاتُكم أساسيّة الآن لتحقيقِ جُزءٍ من هذا الدّعم.

ساهموا ولو بالقليل، فنحنُ بحاجةٍ لكلِّ مُساعدةٍ مُمكنة.

للحُصول على المزيد من المعلومات باللّغة الإنجليزيّة، الرّجاء الضّغط هُنا.


Donations are to be sent to the following account:

Beneficiary: Fond. Partager Le Savoir rub CMS
Adresse : Place des Florentins 1 – 1204 Genève
IBAN CHF : CH810024024028427403Q

In order to validate your donation, an email with the following completed form and a copy of your ID or Passport should be sent to SKF. Kindly put "CMS/SKF Fundraiser" in the subject line.

These pieces of information (including the copy of a passport or ID card) are requested in order to ensure compliance with Swiss legislation on the origin of assets. All personal data are handled confidentially, in accordance with Swiss bank secrecy regulations and European General Data Protection Regulation standards.

Please note that for donations greater than 5000CHF, an additional zoom meeting will be required and organised by SKF

Our Fundraiser in the media

Our fundraiser has received global media attention.

Here are some of the articles:

- Scientific American
- Nature Asia
- Scidev


The CMS Experiment at CERN